Sunday, 11 October 2020

So I failed..... start bloging again.  But something has got me thinking about "the Bishop of Games" again.

This seems to be as good a place as any to start gathering things together - be that stuff I've actually written or just ideas/concepts..  Including the house warming blessing I did for Dr Geof and Dr Nd a couple of years ago that I could not remember the actual words for......

Name of the religion - The Church of the Meeple or Meepleism.

My titles - The Bishop of Games; The Dice Pope.

General blessing - Meeple bless this house.

House Warming - "May the Meeple Bless This House. May it be filled with fun and companionship. May you remember to be kind to one another.  Except when gaming because it's ok to be a dick then."

The Prime Commandment - "If you can dick, you must dick, but don't be a dick about it."

Quotes -  For where two or more are gathered together and someone asks "whose go is it?" I will be there.

"Ask not whose go it is, for it is proberbly your go."

"What we have welcomed is companionship.  In a world in which people find themselves increasingly isolated from those around them, Meepleism offers a way to reconnect to people through a shared love of games.  When we gather in the houses and gaming cafe throughout the land The simple act of sitting down around a table, sharing food and drink, and allowing yourself to spend time interacting with."

"why gaming is a religuion" also I run the Alpha course for gaming. Come over, play something light, have a snack.

No True Gamer Plays Monolopy.