The only thing I read about boardgames (other then randomly reading board game geek) is 'cardboard children' on rock paper shotgun. It's been a bit quiet recently but today post really struck a cord. So go over there and read it.....
Since I've got two shelves of unplayed games and found myself walking along the lines of games at Manorcon trying to find something I to buy he's certainly struck a cord. I just don't think it's limited to board games for me - since I've got a pile of books next to bed, a stack of DVD's under the tv and piles of computer games on steam I've never finished (or even started in some cases).
But part of what I like is learning new games - and seeing how they fit together - and what I can do in them and that is driven by a need for more games......
I cannot understand the concept of too many games but I can see the point that perhaps as time progresses the good to buy options decline in number :(